Tom Blacksell

Tom Blacksell

Managing Director B2B at Experian
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Digital Sales

Four factors retailers should consider during the Covid-19 pandemic

29 Apr 2020

The long-term economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic are still unknown. With large portions of the global economy still shutdown, there is no certainty about when – and how – the economy will recover. The retail sector is no exception. Retail accounts for 5.3% of the UK’s GVA (Gross Value Added), contributing high proportions to the economy...

Financial Inclusion

New data sources: How they can help the SME invisibles

22 Jan 2020

Tying to expand any business takes investment, but with smaller businesses often lacking sufficient cash, securing additional funds can be the solution to grow and become more productive. Unfortunately, a lack of financial information can limit a business’s chances of doing this. This is the case for more than 1.6 million businesses in the UK who ...

Innovation in Financial Services

Promising signs as Open Banking innovation drives take-up

16 Sep 2019

Although Open Banking services have been available in the UK for nearly two years, it’s fair to say the initial period after launch was something of a slow burner. With appetites for these services initially being tempered with a healthy dose of caution. However, the initiative has started to gain traction in the last 12 months. And we’ve seen seve...

Innovation in Financial Services

Technology key to stop consumers leaving before the checkout

11 Jun 2019

We continue to live through a period of significant economic and political uncertainty and that is putting extra pressure on organisations to make more efficient and effective decisions. Acquiring a more sophisticated view of our customers behaviour and the markets we serve is critical, if we are going to survive and thrive in these unpredictable ...